4th Workshop

Citizenship & Democracy Research: Integration
October 19-20, 2014 (Zurich, Switzerland)

The 4th workshop enabled young researchers to present and discuss their current research, as well as to plan further collaboration projects. The detailed Workshop’s report is now available.


Guidelines for participation

We stronlgy encourage PhDs and Postdoctoral- researchers working on the broader topic of political participation and citizenship in Europe to submit their research abstracts. Pracitioners working in the field of democratic citizenship are also welcome to present their projects. The workshop aims at fostering collaborations among all participants across disciplines and sub-fields.We encourage applications from participants from a broad range of disciplines and perspectives. Each participant is invited to present her/his research project or a current paper and receive comments from the other participants, the number of which should not exceed 12 persons.
It is our hope that a number of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary dialogues will be ongoing and that ultimately a series of related cross context research projects will be developed. It is also anticipated that these will support and encourage the establishment of useful collaborative networks, and the development, presentation, and publication of research materials.

Application & Registration information

The workshop and the open lectures are free of charge. is a non-profit project that is not in a position to fully support travel and/or accommodation costs. Exceptions may be made on a case to case basis.


September 19, 2014
12:30-13:15                Opening: getting to know and the workshop participants
13:15-13:45                Getting started: Aims and interests for collaboration
14:00-18:00                Research presentations: Participants’ research projects and research papers
19:00                          Workshop Dinner

September 20, 2014
09:00-10:30                Presentation of projects for collaboration
11:00-12:30                Working Sesson I: project mapping
14:00-16:00               Working Session II: project planning
16:30-17:00               Evaluation and end of the meeting