Amid of a special year characterized by the Covid19 emergency, the managing board decided to postpone the 2020 yearly workshop to hopefully safer and calmer times. To keep up the morale within our community, however, the managing board also decided to organize a special, online retreat for DemocracyNet members only. The event took place via Zoom on September 7th, 2020. The aim of this e-retreat was to give all of our members the chance to present their current projects and works in progress in a cordial, stimulating, and constructive environment. The topic and project format were completely open. The final program of the e-retreat included four presentations about four projects…
CfP: “Revisiting the challenges of democratic inclusion in theory & practice” workshop
November 16-18, 2020 | University of Zurich, SwitzerlandCo-hosted by the Doctoral Program Democracy Studies and DemocracyNetAbstract Submission Deadline: September 25, 2020The deadline to submit paper abstracts (max 300 words) for the workshop has been extended to September 25, 2020.Call for Papers Workshop description Contemporary societies in today’s globalized world are shaped by ongoing disputes about how to draw boundaries of membership and who should have a claim to be included in a democratic polity. Especially cities, where now more than half of the world’s population lives, are developing new forms of inclusive governance and designing novel ways for political decision-making. In this light, it is vital to revisit and reflect…
Abstimm-Bar «Beschaffung neuer Kampfflugzeuge»
DemocracyNet lädt zur Diskussion ein Nachdem 2014 der Kauf neuer Kampfjets an der Urne abgelehnt wurde, soll nun das Schweizer Volk darüber abstimmen, ob die Armee den Milliarden-Kredit für neue Kampfjets erhält. Ist diese Beschaffung notwendig, damit die Luftwaffe nicht bald ohne Flugzeuge dasteht? Oder ist sie unnötig und zu teuer? Bei der nächsten «Abstimm-Bar» am 10.09.2020 erfährst du, um was genau es bei der Abstimmung geht. In einem ersten Schritt werden unsere Gäste deshalb alle wichtigen Informationen zur Vorlage darlegen sowie ihre Argumente aus Befürworter- und Gegnersicht präsentieren. Danach bist du an der Reihe und herzlich dazu eingeladen – vielleicht mit einem Bier oder Mineral – in kleineren Gruppen…