• Report: DemocracyNet Research Workshop 2019

    The research workshop “Political Representation in Democratic Systems” organized by DemocracyNet and the Doctoral Program Democracy Studies (DPDS) took place at the University of Zurich on September 9-10, 2019. “Political Representation in Democratic Systems” Democracy studies have recently undergone a major change in the way of conceiving representation. Long understood as one political practice among others, representation has been reconceptualized in this new, “constructivist” turn as an inescapable feature of (democratic) politics and lawmaking processes. On the one hand, it is necessary to the emergence and evolution of interests and preferences within the population and to the mobilization of constituencies in political decision-making processes. On the other hand, it is…

  • Video: “Recursive Representation in the Shadow of Populism”

    The video recording of the public lecture by Prof. Jane Mansbridge (Harvard Kennedy School), “Recursive Representation in the Shadow of Populism,” is now online! Further link: https://tube.switch.ch/cast/videos/570c2b33-60c6-41a1-a448-10cb4b65e84c This lecture took place on September 9, 2019, at the University of Zurich. It was the keynote lecture to the DemocracyNet workshop “Political Representation in Democratic Systems.” Funding by the UZH Graduate Campus via a GRC Short Grant, indispensable to the organization of this lecture, is gratefully acknowledged. We are also very grateful to the the generous support and cooperation of the Doctoral Program “Democracy Studies” (DPDS) of the University of Zurich and of the peer-group of the Department of Political Science, poliTics.

  • “Die Schweiz wählt”: DemocracyNet im Karl der Grosse

    Die Strassen sind vollgehängt mit Wahlplakaten, der Briefkasten überquillt und die Podiumsdiskussionen nehmen kein Ende: Wir stehen ein Wochenende vor den Schweizern nationalen Wahlen! Es haben sich so viele Kandidierende aufstellen lassen wie noch nie zuvor. Wer blickt da noch durch? Und überhaupt: Welcher Zettel muss jetzt schon wieder wo rein, was sollen diese Listen – und wozu wählen wir eigentlich? Einen Nachmittag lang dreht sich im Karl alles um das Thema Wählen – und DemocracyNet macht mit! Freier Eintritt, alle Wilkommen! Wann? Am Samstag, 12. Oktober ab 14.00 Uhr Wo? Im Karl der Grosse, Kirchgasse 14, 8001 Zürich In den oberen Stockwerken wählt die Schweiz digital und geht der…