In the media

DemocracyNet in the media

Video: DemocracyNet’s concept of Abstimm-Bar, by Sibilla Bondolfi for (May 24, 2018)

An observer’s report on our second Abstimm-Bar in Zurich, by Sibilla Bondolfi for (May 22, 2018)

How to advance the Swiss democratic system in conviciality? A report by Sonia Fenazzi for on our transfer activities in Yverdon-les-Bains (August 30, 2017)

Interview with Philippe Van Parijs by Le Temps, following our public event (February 16, 2016)


Reading and Thinking further

In relation to our events series 2015-2016, Democracy: Bridging Facts and Norms, we gathered resources to think further about the relationship between ideals and practices of democracy, as well as between empirical and theoretical political science research.

Should researchers on populism engage with the media, and how? ; “Creating networks not prize winners: How can research turn into useful action?“; “On the biases of empirical political science, those of political theory, and Donald Trump“; the role of the political theorist according to John Dunn: “Political theorists have a distinctive responsibility to (…) show those they teach and those with whom they work how to generate and organise better understanding of why politics is as it is and what it means for everyone’s life.” A short 2015 piece worth a read; Should political philosophers “be in the business of advocating and facilitating political change?” A very interesting blog entry on Political Philosophy and Political Change; “Kann politische Philosophie realistisch sein?“; “How can we begin to answer basic questions about the causes of democracy if we cannot even agree on what democracy is?