Public Lecture: “A Return to Basic Research in the Study of Democracy”

On September 13, 2018, Prof. Jean-Paul Gagnon (Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis, University of Canberra) will give a public lecture on his research in democratic theory,

“A Return to Basic Research in the Study of Democracy”

University of Zurich
Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zurich
Lecture hall RAA-G-15
18:30 – 20:00
Free entrance

The public lecture is organized by DemocracyNet in collaboration with the Chair of Political Philosophy, the Center for Ethics, and the Chair of Democracy and Public Governance of the University of Zurich.
Apéro sponsored by the Peer-Group poliTics

It is part of the workshop “Democratic participation: theoretical and empirical perspectives” co-organized by DemocracyNet and the Doctoral Program Democracy Studies.

Facebook event
UZH Agenda

Organized and coordinated by Alice el-Wakil, with the help of Palmo Brunner.