- Name and domicile
Art. 1
The association „“ is an official association that is registered as a judicial person as defined by Art. 60 ff ZGB (Swiss Civil Law). The association exists for an undetermined length.
Art. 2
The domicile of the association is in 8050 Zürich, Switzerland.
- Aim and means
Art. 3
The association aims at bringing together young researchers from diverse disciplines, all dedicated to analysing Democracy and Citizenship in Europe. is a forum to foster interdisciplinary exchange and projects between young academics and, at the same time, to make relevant academic debates and questions accessible to a broader, non-academic public. is a non-partisan and non-profit association, which is non-denominational and politically neutral.
Means for the basic functioning of the association are created through the membership fees. To pursue the aims of the association,’s members can apply for external grants in the name of the association for specific projects. Their own work in these projects is voluntary.
III. Membership and fees
Art. 4
Members can be natural and judicial persons.
The admission of new members can take place at any time and is pending on a written declaration.
The resignation from the association is possible at any time. A written declaration of resignation must be sent to the Managing Board.
The managing board or the General Assembly can decide finally and without a statement of reasons to admit or to exclude members.
Member fees are defined by the General Assembly every year. An accounting year equals a calendar year.
- Organs
The organs of the association are:
- The General Assembly (GA)
- The Managing Board (MB)
Art. 6
The General Assembly
The General Assembly is the highest organ of the association and consists of the association members present at the GA. The GA decides in all affairs. The GA can allocate decision-making powers to the managing board. The GA elects the managing board. The GA approves and authorizes the annual report and the annual financial statement. All members of the association have the right to elect and vote. Resolutions of the GA are passed by open ballot with a simple majority of the votes. Resolutions to change the statutes or to dissolute the association require an approval of two thirds of the votes of the members that are present.
Each officially convened general assembly has the power to pass resolutions. A member of the MB leads the GA. When this is not possible, a substitute will be elected. At least the resolutions of the GA must be recorded by minutes.
The Managing Board
The MB is accountable towards the general assembly. The MB consists of at least 3 members (president, vice-president, and treasurer). The MB is elected for 2 years. Re-election is permitted. The MB has the power to include new members. Members of the board can resign during their time in office. Such modifications have to be approved and authorized in the next GA. The MB works principally voluntarily. It has a right to reimburse its effective expenses.
The MB is responsible for:
- the external representation of the association,
- the management of the affairs of the association,
- the decision-making in all affairs allocated by the general assembly,
- constituting working groups in order to deal with specific issues.
Both the definition and distribution of the specific tasks are defined and recorded in a separate document, which is approved and authorized by the GA. The GA has the power to change the definition and distribution of the tasks in working groups.
- Liability and Dissolution of the Association
Art. 8
There exists no personal liability of the members for the obligations of the association.
Art. 9
When the association is dissolved, the association’s funds will be given to a tax-exempted association that pursues a similar aim. The association’s funds cannot be distributed among its members.
The statutes were accepted at the inaugural assembly in Zürich the 18th February 2016.
Karima Bousbah, Alice el-Wakil, Monica Ferrin, Lea Heyne, Lukas Peter, Maximilian Schubiger, Michael Strebel, Rebecca Welge