• 2012-2013 events series: “Researching, Networking, Thinking Ahead: Democracy & Citizenship in Europe”

    DemocracyNet.eu is glad to announce that it will soon launch an event series at the University of Zurich on the theme Researching, Networking, Thinking Ahead: Democracy & Citizenship in Europe The event series is supported by the UZH Graduate Campus. Three academic workshops and three public events qill be organised during the 2012-2013 period. The opening event will take place on October 26, 2012. For more information, please click on the picture or here.

  • DemocracyNet.eu Kickoff Event

    The first members’ workshop took place at the ETH in Zurich on April 27-28, 2012. This two days meeting enabled the founding and first members of DemocracyNet.eu to set the first objectives of the network. The event was supported by the National Center for Competence and Research (NCCR) Democracy and the European Union Research Group. Please click here to accept the report of the first workshop.