DemocracyNet is glad to invite you to the public lecture of Prof. Emanuela Ceva (University of Geneva) on “Accountable Public Institutions.” The lecture will take place on Thursday, December 9, 5pm-6.30pm, at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Zurich (Affolternstrasse 56, room AFL-F-121). It will be followed by drinks. Given the sanitary circumstances, the lecture will be delivered as a livestream. Please register under to receive the Zoom link! We hope to see many of you at the keynote in December! The lecture is organized by Odile Ammann and Olivier Ruchet in the framework of a two-days DemocracyNet and DPDS workshop, “Vested Interest & Democracy.” More…
“Citizenship and Democracy” Research Workshop
Research workshop “Citizenship and Democracy” September 11-12, 2017 University of Zurich, Switzerland Organizers: and Doctoral Program Democracy Studies (NCCR Democracy) The objective of this research workshop is twofold. First, we aim at fostering interdisciplinary academic discussions between DPDS students, members of the network, and other junior researchers interested in the study of citizenship and democracy. Each participant to the workshop will have the opportunity to present a research project or a working paper, and receive feedback from other scholars on their current research. Second, we aim at fostering collaboration and team-work among researchers by exchanging ideas, creating a network of researchers in the field, and sharing knowledge to…
Maija Setälä on “Democracy: Bridging Facts and Norms”
Maija Setälä, Professor of political science at the University of Turku, shares her perspective as both a political theorist and an experimental political scientist on the question of the relation between empirical and normative research in (deliberative) democracy, but also on her successful experience as a member of an expert committee responsible for proposing a new direct democratic institution in Finland. This interview was recorded in Grindelwald, Switzerland, on January 19, 2017. Interview and jingle by Alice el-Wakil. Music “Sunday Lovers” by Monday Night Fever.