Research events DemocracyNet’s Virtual RetreatWith presentations by 4 DemocracyNet members Online Mercator Workshop “Revisiting the Challenges of Democratic Inclusion in Theory & Practice”With presentations by 9 international junior scholars, keynote speeches by 3 international senior scholars and a panel discussion by 3 international subject experts Transfer events Abstimm-Bar on the popular initiative “Mehr Bezahlbare Wohnungen” Abstimm-Bar on the facultative referendum “Beschaffung neuer Kampfflugzeuge” Book project “One year of Covid-19: DemocracyNet’s Retrospective” (more on this soon!) New members Alix d’Agostino, Azucena Morán, Francesco Veri, Giada Gianola, Jan-Erik Refle, Johannes Besch Many thanks to the wonderful members, organisers, guests, hosts, and collaborating organisations who made this challenging year so exciting for our…
DemocracyNet in 2019: the highlights!
Research workshop “Political Representation in Democratic Systems” With presentations by 10 international junior scholars Public lecture by Jane Mansbridge “Recursive Representation in the Shadow of Populism“ Transfer events Abstimm-Bar on the AHV-Steuer Deal and Wähl-Bar on the Swiss national election 2019 New members Dannica Fleuss, Nargiz Hajiyeva, Laetitia Ramelet, Olivier Ruchet, Marew Abebe Salemot, and Chiara Valsangiacomo Many thanks to the wonderful members, organizers, guests, hosts, and collaborating organizations who made this year so exciting for our association! And happy holidays!
Report: DemocracyNet Research Workshop 2019
The research workshop “Political Representation in Democratic Systems” organized by DemocracyNet and the Doctoral Program Democracy Studies (DPDS) took place at the University of Zurich on September 9-10, 2019. “Political Representation in Democratic Systems” Democracy studies have recently undergone a major change in the way of conceiving representation. Long understood as one political practice among others, representation has been reconceptualized in this new, “constructivist” turn as an inescapable feature of (democratic) politics and lawmaking processes. On the one hand, it is necessary to the emergence and evolution of interests and preferences within the population and to the mobilization of constituencies in political decision-making processes. On the other hand, it is…