The video recording of the public roundtable on liquid democracy is now available here.

The exchange between interdisciplinary experts of liquid democracy Prof. Dr. Karsten Donnay (University of Zurich), Prof. Dr. Bryan Alexander Ford (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne), Prof. Dr. Davide Grossi (University of Groningen) and Prof. Dr. Christina Zuber (University of Konstanz) took place on December 15, 2022, at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Zurich. Manon Revel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) moderated the discussion.
This event, which was part of the Liquid Democracy workshop, was organized by Lucien Heitz (University of Zurich), Cristina Sarasua (University of Zurich), Manon Revel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and Chiara Valsangiacomo (University of Zurich, member of DemocracyNet).
Funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Graduate Campus of the University of Zurich and the doctoral program Democracy Studies is gratefully acknowledged.